Mount Isa Airport unveils terminal upgrade
Passengers are enjoying a new-look Mount Isa Airport terminal today with the unveiling of the terminal upgrade, the most significant project to be undertaken at the airport since the solar car park was delivered in 2017.
The completed project includes an upgrade and expansion of the security screening area, and delivered improvements for the terminal, including more space in the departures area and improved passenger flow.
The terminal upgrade was supported by a Australian Government’s Regional Airports Screening Infrastructure (RASI) grant of $2.4 million, with the screening point reconfigured to accommodate the Australian Government’s enhanced security screening requirements.
Queensland Airports Limited Regional Ports General Manager Brendan Cook said the upgrade comes after the airport hit 112 per cent of pre-COVID-19 capacity in June, recording the highest monthly passenger number since May 2013 with more than 20,900 passing through the terminal.
“It is the perfect time to reveal the terminal upgrade with passenger numbers at an all-time high and exceeding pre-pandemic numbers,” he said.
“These completed works significantly improve the customer experience by making boarding more efficient.”
“Passengers can now check in and pass through security screening to enter a larger departure lounge where they can relax and enjoy the retail offerings at their leisure.”
Mr Cook said other improvements would be made to the terminal over the coming months.
“We will be delivering a new-look café, new carpet, paint and a refresh of the landside bathrooms,” he said.
“While impacts to passengers will be minimised, we appreciate everyone’s patience while these works are completed.”
Assistant Minister for Regional Development Anthony Chisholm said the Australian Government was proud to provide the funding needed to make the terminal upgrade a reality for Mount Isa.
“We know just how vital the Mount Isa Airport is to the region – bringing visitors in while being a key connection for the community and local businesses to other regional centres and markets including Brisbane, Townsville and Cairns,” Assistant Minister Chisholm said.
“This upgrade means passengers can board more smoothly and quickly with enhanced security screening in place.”
“The Albanese Government is committed to delivering the infrastructure and services that communities need all around Australia.”
Delivered by Woolam Constructions, the completed works come at a time when flight and passenger numbers have returned to pre-COVID-19 levels.
About 21,070 passengers travelled through Mount Isa Airport in August – 60 per cent more than in the same month last year, and 3.5 per cent higher than August 2019 – pre-COVID-19.

Images: https://spaces.hightail.com/space/i5HFSy2jzW
Media contacts
QAL Corporate Relations: 07 5589 1414 or media@qldiairports.com.au
Assistant Minister Chisholm: Finbar Fuller 0497 075 762